Ceyhun Məmmədov
- “Oil Price Shocks and Monetary Policy in Azerbaijan: Challenges and Opportunities”, Mammadov, J., Caucasus Analytical Digest No. 83, ETH Zurich and the University of Bremen, 2016.
- “Country Report: Migration Policy in Azerbaijan” Mammadov, J., Bayramov, K., and Isgandarov, A., Caucasus Journal on Migration, Tbilisi State University 2015.
- “Assessment of Institutional Quality in Resource-Rich Caspian Basin Countries”, Ahmadov, I., Mammadov, J., and Aslanli, K., Kurswechsel (Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen Sonderzahl Verlag), Heft 3/2013: p 18-41.
- “Foreign direct investment, human capital accumulation and economic growth: the case of transition countries”. Mammadov J. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University; 2012.
İnqilab Əhmədov
- “Azerbaijan’s New Macroeconomic Reality: How to Adapt to Low Oil Prices”, Ahmadov, I., Caucasus Analytical Digest No. 83, ETH Zurich and the University of Bremen, 2016.
- “Assessment of Institutional Quality in Resource-Rich Caspian Basin Countries”, Ahmadov, I., Mammadov, J., and Aslanli, K., Kurswechsel (Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen Sonderzahl Verlag), Heft 3/2013: p 18-41.
- “Dispute or dialogue? Community perspectives on company-led grievance mechanisms. Chapter 3: BP and the Azerbaijan pipelines complaints management procedure./ Emma Wilson, Christoph Schwarte, Ingilab Ahmadov. IIED. London-2013.
- “EITI and sustainable development: Lessons and new challenges for the Caspian region. / Saule Ospanova, Ingilab Ahmadov, Emma Wilson. IIED. London- 2013. Policy Paper.
- “How to scrutinise a Production Sharing Agreement: A guide for the oil and gas sector based on experience from the Caspian region./ Ahmadov, I., Artemyev, A., Aslanly, K., Rzaev, I., Shaban, I. IIED. London-2012
Məhəmməd Nuriyev
- Modern challenges of oil producing countries and the ways for establishing a non-oil dependent economy in Azerbaijan (Comparative approach) /Mahammad Nuriyev, Eldar Shahgeldiyev, Zaka Salmanli / –Muellim nəshşriyyati, 2014, 96 p.- ISBN 978-9952-435-55-9
- English-Azerbaijani Azerbaijani-English Concise Dictionary of Project Management Terms. – Khazar University Press, 2012. –152 p. – ISBN 978-9952-20-070-6
- Azərbaycanın rayonları üçün bölgə kolleci kompleksinin/klasterinin yaradılması/Əhməd Vəliyev, Hamlet İsaxanlı, Məhəmməd Nuriyev, Mirdaməd Sadıxov, Ruslan Sədirxanov// Ali təhsil və cəmiyyət, elmi-metodiki jurnal. – 2012. – № 2
- Ali məktəbdə formativ qiymətləndirmənin tətbiqetmə imkanları // Ali təhsil və cəmiyyət, elmi-metodiki jurnal. – 2013. – №1
Fuat Rəsulov
- “İxracatçılar Üçün Təlimat”, Fuat Rəsulov, İlkin Qarayev, Elxan Mikayılov, Gerry Morrissey, Bakı 2013
Şaiq Qənbərli
- “Individual and Household Characteristics in Tbilisi, Guria and Achara” Measurement of Poverty and Inequality. Shaig Ganbarli, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, 2013
Kamil Heydərov
- “The impact of bank capital on profitability and risk: evidence from Azerbaijan”, Kamil Heydarov, Central Bank and Economics, (2013), 2, pp. 130-143
Fuad Əliyev
- “The Politics of Islamic Finance in Central Asia and South Caucasus”, Voices from Central Asia, No. 2, July 2012, Central Asia Program, George Washington University, USA
Şəhriyar Muxtarov
- “Müstəqillik İllərində Azərbaycanın Makroiqtisadi Göstəricilərinin Təhlili” , Journal of Baku Engineering University
- “Şəhər Əhalisinin Sayının Enerji İstehlakına Təsirlərinin Qiymətləndirilməsi:Azərbaycan Nümunəsi” Journal of Baku Engineering University, - Accepted, 2017
- “Azerbaycan’da Faiz Oranı Kanalının İşleyişi: Ampirik Bir Analiz” Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (2)
- "Does Urbanization Boost Pollution From Transport?"Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 2017
Elvin Məmmədov
- “Influencing Factors of the Profitability in Banking Sector: An Analysis for post-Soviet Countries”, Thomsen Reuters
- “The Effectiveness of Exchange Rate Channel in Azerbaijan: An Empirical Analysis”, Thomsen Reuters Impact Factor
Ceyhun Məmmədov, Məhəmməd Nuriyev, Əziz Nuriyev, Coşqun Məmmədov
- “Renewables selection for economic regions with diverse conditions. 10-th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS ECRES”, İstanbul / Türkiyə, Edited by Prof. Dr. Erol Kurt, ISBN: 978-605-70842-0-0, p. 412-417, 2022, 07-09 May 202 www.ecres.net
- “Selection of Renewables for Economic Regions with Diverse Conditions: The Case of Azerbaijan. Sustainability” 2022, 14, 12548. https://doi.org/10.3390/ su141912548
- “Students’ perceptions of university social responsibility: A crosscultural comparison”. Chapter 16 in the book “Universities, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, and Sustainability”, De Gruyter 2021 Alalawneh, M.M.; Mammadov, J.; Alqasem, A. “Nexus between FDI, Infrastructure Investment, Tourism Revenues, and Economic Growth: Mega Event Evidence”. Emerging Science Journal 2021, Vol. 6, No. 6 [SCOPUS CiteScore 4.4 in 2020]
Nuriyev, M., Nuriyev, A., Məhəməd, A.N.
- “Z-Information Based MCDM Model for Assessing Green Energy Resources: A Case of Resort and Tourism Areas”. In: Aliev, R.A., Kacprzyk, J., Pedrycz, W., Jamshidi, M., Babanli, M.B., Sadikoglu, F. (eds) 15th International Conference on Applications of Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence Tools – ICAFS-2022. ICAFS 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 610. Springer, Cham. pp.539-548,
Bahadır Baysal
- “Hotel green supplier selection in Z-information environment” 16th International Conference on Applications of Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence Tools ICAFS 2023
- “Mediasiya haqqında nələri bilməliyik, Mediasiya və Münaqişələrin İdarə Edilməsi üzrə Bülleten”, 2023, Vol 1, pp.58-62
- “Mediasya, turizm və Biznes”, Mediasiya və Münaqişələrin İdarə Edilməsi üzrə Bülleten”, Vol 1, pp. 64-75, 2023
- “A Conceptual view of the cluster approach in Azerbaijan Tourism”, II. International Conference on Economics, 2023.
- " Multicriteria decision-making under high-level uncertainty in tourism: Z-numbers based approaches" has been published in “7th international zeugma conference on scientific research” on 10th February 2022.
- "Selection of the hotel suppliers under high-level uncertainty has been published in “V-İnternational European conference on interdisciplinary scientific research” on 15th of February 2022.
- “Z-numbers based approach to hotel service quality assessment” has been published in “Lecture Notes in Network and Systems” Volume 362 on 4 January 2022
Qəhrəman Yusupov
- “Механизм превращения приграничного региона в туристскую дестинацию”- "Xəzər xəbər" aylıq dərgisi №411 noyabr 2021 il