On November 30, 2023, Mirsadig Mukhtarov, an assistant in the Psychology Department at Khazar University and a psychologist at the Khazar Psychological Service Center, conducted a seminar entitled "General Overview of Psychopathology" at Baku Higher Oil School, following an invitation from the student council. The primary objective of this seminar was to impart knowledge about psychopathology to students, fostering an accurate understanding of mental illnesses.
The session covered the concept of psychopathology, its historical evolution, and delved into the issue of labeling (stigma). A discussion ensued regarding measures to counteract the formation of biases against individuals with mental health challenges, emphasizing the adverse consequences of segregating stigmatized individuals from society. Continuing the seminar, the general classification of psychopathology in modern psychology was explored. Detailed insights were provided on topics such as depression, other emotional disorders, and personality disorders.
The students actively engaged in discussions and posed questions to the trainer regarding the subject matter.
2023-cü il dekabrın 15-16-da Xəzər Universitetinin Psixologiya departamentinin təşəbbüsü və Fullbright Scholarship müəllimi Dr. Elnur Gajıyevin rəhbərliyi ilə “Yaradıcı psixologiya simpoziumu” keçirilib. Simpoziumun keçirilməsində əsas məqsəd yaradıcı terapevtik yanaşmalara artan tələbat və Azərbaycanda bu mövzu ilə bağlı elmi praktiki tədbirin təşkili, bu terapiya sahəsinə marağın daha da artırılması və daha geniş əhali kütləsini maarifləndirmək olub.
İki gün davam edən simpoziumun ilk günü İçərişəhərdə yerləşən “Passage 1901” ünvanında baş tutub və 4 sessiyadan ibarət təşkil olunub. Bu sessiyalarda yaradıcı terapiyalar və onların növləri ilə əlaqədar elmi və praktiki çalışmalar nümayiş etdirilib.
Simpoziumum açılışı zamanı yaradıcı terapiyaların ümumi effektivliyi, tətbiqi və elmi əsasları barədə Xəzər Universiteti Psixologiya departamentinin koordinatoru Mələk Kərimova məruzə edib. ABŞ-ın Azərbaycandakı səfirliyinin İctimai əlaqələr şöbəsinin müdiri Stefan Qays çıxışında Fullbright proqramının və Azərbaycanda fərqli formatda təşkil edilən bu simpoziumun əhəmiyyətini qeyd edib.
Azərbaycan İncəsənət Birliyinin üzvü, tibb üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru Mehriban Şəmsəddinskaya “Metoforik portret” mövzusu ilə məruzə edib. Azərbaycanın incəsənət xadimi Səbinə Şıxlinskaya “Kollektiv mənlik” mövzusu barədə fikirlərini iştirakçılarla bölüşüb.
Sessiyanın davamında klinik psixoloq Dr. Elnur Gajıyev poeziya terapiyasının önəmini və effektivliyini vurğulayaraq, bu sahədə praktik nümunələri diqqətə çatdırıb.
Son sessiyada panel müzakirəsi təqdim edilərək, iştirakçıların interaktiv çıxışı dinlənilib. Bununla yanaşı, simpoziumda iştirak edən iştirakçılar rəsm əsərləri çəkərək öz sənət bacarıqlarını nümayış etdiriblər. “Kollektiv mənlik” anlayışını ifadə edən və hamının iştirakı ilə yaradılan rəsm əsəri də simpoziumda iştirakçıların böyük marağına səbəb olub.
Simpozimun ikinci hissəsi Heydər Əliyev Fondunun vitse-prezidenti Leyla Əliyevanın təşkilatçılığı ilə yaradılmış “Nine Sense” Yaradıcılıq Mərkəzində keçirilib. 3 sessiyadan ibarət olan bu hissədə ilk olaraq yoqa müəllimi, təlimçi Qafar Qənızadə yoqa və onun faydalarından bəhs edərək, onun insan psixologiyasına təsiri barədə məlumat verib. Sonra iştirakçılarla birlikdə yoqa təlimi aparılıb. Səs terapisti, musiqiçi, “Om Shri” studiyasının təsisçisi İlhamə Babayeva musiqi və səs terapiyasının əsaslarını iştirakçılara izah edib. Səs və musiqi terapiyasının ruh və bədən sağlamlığına faydaları müzakirə olunub.
Simpoziumun davam edən növbəti sessiyalarında “DanceAbilty Azerbaijan” təsisçisi Nigar Soltanova rəqs terapiyasının psixi, fiziki və zehni faydaları barədə mülahizələrini bölüşərək, inklüzivliyi anlamağımızda hərəkət terapiyasının əhəmiyyətini praktiki çalışmalar yolu ilə nümayiş etdirib. Psixoloq Günel Muradova ümumi davranışsal aktivliyin önəminə diqqət çəkərək, hərəkət və fiziki aktivliyin bilavasitə psixi sağlamlıqla əlaqəli olduğunu söyləyib.
Tədbirin sonunda təqdim olunan hərəkət və rəqs performansları iştirakçıların böyük marağına səbəb olub. Simpozimun sonunda könüllülərə və iştirakçılara sertifikatlar təqdim olunub.
“Yaradıcı psixologiya simpoziumu” ictimai maraq doğurub və mətbuat səhifələrində işıqlandırılıb.
On October 21, 2023, the “Film Analysis” Day was held in collaboration with “PsychoClub”, which was established by the Department of Psychology and students majoring in psychology at Khazar University. The main objective of the event was to create conditions for students to spend their leisure time effectively, to increase their knowledge in this area by analyzing films psychologically, as well as to socialize with each other.
Following an emphasis on the importance of such events by Malak Karimova, coordinator of the Department of Psychology, the film was viewed. The film “Toc-Toc” was selected for analysis. The theme of the film was the difficulties faced by people suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and the ways to cope with these problems. Then, with the active participation of students, the film was analyzed and summarized by Mirsadiq Mukhtarov, assistant of the Department of Psychology at Khazar University. Referring to the film's theme, he explained what Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is and what types of therapy are available.
The event aroused great interest of students. It is planned to hold a series of events of this type by the department.
In January-May 2023, Ramin Allahverdiyev, the lecturer of the Psychology Department of Khazar University and the psychologist of the Republican Narcology Center, organized seminars on "Harmful effects of the use of psychoactive substances" for students majoring in English language teaching, Design and Economics.
The main goal of the seminars is to make students aware of the dangers of the effects of psychoactive substances on human health. Along with the harms of the use of psychoactive substances, attention was also paid to increasing the general level of knowledge of students on this issue. Issues discussed included the socio-economic and family problems of young people and the negative consequences of an unfavorable social environment. Students were also provided with information on how to protect their mental and physical health and alternative ways. The seminars were welcomed by the students and their questions were answered.
On December 6, 2021, Malak Karimova, Coordinator of Psychology Department at Khazar University, was a guest on Public Television's " Sabaha saxlamayaq " The program covered issues related to the integration of boarding school children into society, their difficulties and psychological barriers.
Social, psychological and legal issues were touched upon so that children deprived of parental care or orphans could easily adapt to society.
The program can be watched at the following link:
On October 27, 2021, Malak Karimova, Coordinator of the Psychology Department at Khazar University, attended an event organized by the German Society for International Cooperation as part of the Good Governance for Local Development Project in the South Caucasus.
The project provided information on the work done to ensure gender equality in public administration and decision-making, discussed gender stereotypes in society, gender balance of civil servants.
The event continued with the presentation of the textbook of methodics "Curriculum on Gender Equality in the Civil Service", published for the first time in Azerbaijan as a continuation of the work done in this direction. The material was prepared and published in cooperation with the State Examination Center, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children, the German Society for International Cooperation and Baku State University.
At the end of the training, topical issues on gender equality in the civil service were discussed, and professions related to gender balance in universities were discussed and suggestions were put forward.
Coordinator of the Department of Psychology, Khazar University, Malak Karimova's "Fundamentals of Therapeutic Communication" textbook has been published by Science and Education publishing house. The book covers topical theoretical and practical issues related to psychological sessions. The author tried to answer the questions faced by graduates and students during psychological counseling. The book includes practical exercises that provide real patient cases while maintaining anonymity and ethical principles.
The book is intended for high school students and can be used as a methodological tool in the course of psychological counseling.
The textbook was recommended for publication by the Khazar University Academic Council.
An article entitled “The Role of Supervision in the Formation of Professional Skills” by Malak Karimova, Coordinator of Khazar University's Department of Psychology and Director of the Khazar University Psychological Center was published in the 1st issue of “Pedagogika” magazine 2021, a scientific-theoretical-methodological publication on pedagogy and psychology.
The supervisory process, which is applied in international practice and is important in developing the psychological support skills of mental health professionals, was conducted as a pilot study at Khazar University and the results have been presented in the article.
On April 11, 2021, the head of the “Khazar” Psychological Service Center, psychologist Malak Karimova, held an online webinar with entrants by the invitation of the Niyal courses in Ismayilli region. Many entrants from Ismayilli, Gabala, Agdash, Goychay, Ujar and Baku took part in the webinar "Ways to Protect Mental Health Before Exams".
The webinar discussed various issues such as pre-exam stress, ways to overcome it, productive preparation for the exam, time management, and students' questions were also answered. At the end of the webinar, students approved that the event was useful.
Malak Karimova, Psychologist, Coordinator of Khazar University’s Department of Psychology, Head of the Khazar University Psychological Center will take part in the training entitled "The impacts of coronavirus on people with disabilities - the mental health of students" which is going to be held on May5, 2021 with co-organization of the Eurasian University Association (EURAS) and UNEC (Inclusive Education Center). She will speak on her research on “Identification of psychological symptoms among university students in Azerbaijan at the Covid stage”. Sevinj Mahsimova, head of the Inclusive Education Center, Nejdet Ozturk, head of the Global Disability Foundation(GDF), and Prof. Dr. Imer Okar, head of the Yuvam Center, are also scheduled to speak at the training.
Malak Karimova, Coordinator of Khazar University’s Department of Psychology and Director of the Khazar University Psychological Center, participated at an international seminar on “Difficulties on establishment of therapeutic bond and re-regulation of relations” jointly held by Prof. Dr. Chistopher Muran from Adelphy University in the United States and Prof. Dr. Catherine Eubanks from Yeshiva University in the United States on June 19, 2021.
The seminar was jointly organized by the Turkish Mental Health Association and the “KIM” Psychological Center.
Malak Karimova, Coordinator of Khazar University’s Department of Psychology and Director of the Khazar University Psychological Center, delivered speech on “Consideration of Mental Health of University Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic” at the Karabakh International Congress on modern research in Social and Humanities held on June 17-19, 2021.
The study was conducted on Khazar University students, and it was observed that during the pandemic, students’ feelings of loneliness, difficulties on adaptation, uncertainties and frustrations about the future have been increased, and their lifestyle has been changed. However, a survey conducted among students found that a group of students enjoyed this stage more, appreciated and increased their inner opportunities, and had the opportunity to spend more time with their families. Based on the results of the research, recommendations were made to strengthen the mental health of students.
The EMDR method is a psycho-physiological method developed in 1989 by the American psychiatrist Francino Saphiro. Known as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, this method can only be taught through trainers authorized by the European Organization for EMDR.
Malak Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology at Khazar University and Head of the Psychological Assistance Center, also participated in the first module of the international training provided by Asena Yurtsever, Turkish representative for EMDR.
The method is used for the treatment of mental disorders, and especially treatment of distress associated with traumatic memories, and shows positive results in a short time.
Khazar University Psychology Department Coordinator, Psychologist Malak Karimova has been elected as a representative in Azerbaijan for the project of I.M.D.A.T "Hold on to the Counseling Network in the Struggle for Suicide".
The Turkish Mental Health Association applied to the Youth Projects Support Program of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey with the I.M.D.A.T project, and the project proposal was approved.
The aim of the project is to support the protection of human life in order to prevent suicides, which are considered a social problem of society. To this end, the Turkish Mental Health Association aims to strengthen its activities by creating a support group inside and outside Turkey, and to hold awareness-raising events and trainings in the country and abroad. Within the framework of the project, one representative was selected from each region within Turkey, and from foreign countries, Germany, Cyprus and Azerbaijan are only included till then.
Khazar staff member Malak Karimova joined the elected representatives in Azerbaijan and was included in the Scientific Advisory Committee.
For further information about the project, click the link below:
On May 11, 2020, an online lecture was organized by Khazar University Psychology Department’s Coordinator Melek Karimova and Department’s teacher Jamila Rahimli via Zoom program. Professor of Hacettepe University Tuncay Ergene was invited as a guest speaker. Professor Tuncay Ergene has previously been a guest at Khazar University's International Psychology Conference. He developed his career at Harvard University in Ohio and served as Head of the Turkish PDR club for six years.
Professor Tuncay Ergene, who is currently working at Hacettepe University, delivered a lecture on “First Psychological Help in Crisis”, which is one of the most significant issues nowadays. He answered questions about the uncertainty faced by society during any pandemic, the impact of health threats on human psychology, the great responsibility saddled on the professionals, the different approaches and methods. Psychology students from different universities also took part in the lecture and expressed their impressions and positive feedbacks. Tuncay Ergene stressed that such meetings are valuable in terms of both scientific and social support.
On May 3, 2020, an online seminar on “Game Therapy” was organized with Melek Kerimova, Khazar University Psychology Department’s Coordinator, and Beyhan Okur, Psychologist Consultant, Head of the Ida Psychological Services Center in Ankara. During the seminar interesting discussions were held on game therapy, participants, problems and age compatibility, basic conditions of education and further on the questions from the audience were answered.
On April 21, 2020, an online meeting with Galina Bogachenko and Andrey Lotaryev, employees of KROK University, the Project Coordinator from Ukraine within the framework of the MEDIATS project, partnered with Khazar University, was held via ZOOM platform. During the meeting, Khazar University was represented by Elmar Mustafayev, the Head of Political Science and Philosophy Department, Ulkar Bayramova, Director of Teaching and Learning Centre, Melek Karimova, Director of the Center for Psychological Service, and Nilufar Alizade, instructor at Psychology Department.
During the online meeting, extensive discussions were held around the preparation, publication of mediation-related materials within the framework of the project and opening of a master's degree. Moreover, coordinating university’s experience in this field was conveyed to the meeting participants. Some of the work to be implemented further within the project was touched upon and the topic of the next online meeting was identified.
It is worth mentioning that employees of Ganja State University, another Azerbaijani partner of the project, also attended the online meeting with the coordinator.
On February 28, 2020, a training on “Violations in the sexual function and psycho-physiological approaches”, was delivered by Khazar University Psychology Department’s Teachers Aydan Hasmammadzade, Shabnam Soltanli and also physician gynecologist at the HP Guven Clinic, Nazkhanym Gasimova, being organized by Melek Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology of Khazar University and Director of the Center for Psychological Service. The training provided detailed information on sexually transmitted diseases, psychosocial and physiological changes during sexual development. Providing information about the history of monogamous and polygamous relationships in the training, Shabnam Soltanli held discussions with students on this topic.
The main purpose of the training is to educate students in the field of medicine and psychological knowledge and to prevent future health problems. During the training, students' questions were answered in an extensive manner.
On February 22 and 23, 2020, Melek Karimova, Coordinator of Khazar University's Psychology Department, and Director of the Center for Psychological Service, was invited as a guest to the “Health Psychology” Training, organized by Girne Center of Speech Psychology, Personal Development, Training and Research, NS Consulting Company and clinical psychologist Sevinj Ismailova. The training was conducted by Associate Professor Linda Fraim from the International Cyprus University.
The training focused on the developmental stages of Health Psychology, distinguished by its significance in the modern era of psychology, the implementation challenges in different countries, the factors that threaten human health and the conscious approach of an individual within those factors. The first day of the training also discussed the concept of a healthy lifestyle, diseases and understanding of health. On the second day of the training, detailed information on clinical tests and on how they will be applied in the field of health psychology was provided, and also special attention was given to the application guidelines.
After the training, M.Karimova discussed the cooperation between Khazar University and Associate Professor Linda Fraim and provided information on the department's work in this field.
On January 13-16, 2020, meetings in the format of the intensive training and teaching practice were held at the Catholic University of San Antonio in the city of Murcia, Spain, within the framework of “MEDIATS” project of the European Commission's Erasmus+ program, which is a partner of Khazar University.
The main objective of the “MEDIATS” project is to make universities a driving force in the field of mediation, using European experience in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine to improve the objective pre-trial resolution of conflicts.
The training was attended by Dr. Elmar Mustafayev, Head of the Political Science and Philosophy Department, Ulkar Bayramova, Director of Teaching and Learning Centre, Melek Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology, Lamiya Panahova, Coordinator of the International Affairs Office, Nilufar Alizade, instructor and PhD student at the Department of Psychology.
Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Dr. Jeyhun Mammadov participated in educational practice meetings and was awarded the Certificate of International Participation.
Part of the training was dedicated to an intensive workshop. After a week-long workshop, participants were awarded international diplomas passing the examination finalizing the experience of three countries (the Netherlands, Latvia, Spain). Khazar University employees were awarded an International Degree Mediator diploma, prepared by the International Mediation Federation and the Netherlands Academy of Business, with three participants (Melek Kerimova, Lamiya Panahova, Nilufar Alizade). Other participants successfully completed the exam and received an International Counsellor of Mediation diploma (Dr. Jeyhun Mammadov, Dr. Elmar Mustafayev, Ulkar Bayramova).
2019-cu il dekabrın 19-da TİKA, Zərərli Vərdişlərə qarşı İçtimai Birlik, Türkiyə “Yeşilay” Dərnəyi, Xəzər Universiteti Psixoloji Xidmət Mərkəzi və Müasir Psixologiya Mərkəzinin birgə əməkdaşlığı ilə “Asılı olma, azad ol!” adlı tədbir təşkil edildi. Tədbirin əsas məqsədi asılılıq növləri ilə əlaqəli tələbələri maarifləndirmə, asılılıqla mübarizə və qorunma yolları ilə bağlı fərqindəlik yaratmaq idi.
Tədbirin təşkilatçısı psixoloq Mələk Kərimova mövzunun ölkəmiz üçün çox əhəmiyyətli olduğunu qeyd edərək, sağlam nəsillər, təmiz ətraf mühitin formalaşmasında hər bir vətəndaşın məsuliyyətli və həssas davranmasını xüsusilə qeyd etdi.
Xəzər Universitetinin rektoru Dr. İradə Xəlilova da mövzunun aktuallığını qeyd edərək, qonaqları salamladı.
Tədbirdə Ege Universitetinin müəllimi psixiatr Prof. Dr. Hakan Coşkunol, Türkiyə “Yeşilay” Cəmiyyətinin danışmanı Kemal Altın, Zərərli Vərdişlərə qarşı İctimai Birliyin sədri Zaur Orucov, Müasir Psixologiya Mərkəzinin rəhbəri Aida Nəbiyeva çıxış etdilər.
On December 18, 2019, Melek Karimova, Coordinator at the Department of Psychology of Khazar University, took part in the First International Scientific and Practical Conference “Azerbaijani and Turkish Universities: Education, Science, Technology” jointly organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Technical University. M. Karimova made a thesis on “The role of art in society as a social event”. Delivering her thesis, she noted that Khazar University also pays close attention to the arts and for this purpose included cultural lessons for students to develop aesthetic education. During the discussions around the topic, the questions were answered.
M.Karimova's research work has been published as an article in the book of scientific-practical conference materials.
On December 2, 2019, to support the integration of disabled people into society by publicizing the successes of persons with disabilities in various areas of society, as well as for the motivation of young people, the Sustainable and Operational Social Security Agency has hosted an event called “Dosttalks” at the Baku Congress Center.
The event was also attended by Melek Karimova, the Coordinator of Khazar University Psychology Department. The guests with their exemplary successful life experiences delivered speeches at the event. The visually impaired children performed different musical numbers. The dance by the “DanceAbility” inclusive team lent a great deal of color to the event.
At the event, MP Ganira Pashayeva, and Anar Aliyev, the Deputy Minister of the Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan, also talked about the activities that were implemented and that are planned. The significance of consensus on the importance of the commitments of each member of the community was emphasized in this field.
At the end of the event, the speakers were awarded diplomas.
On December 3, 2019, Melek Kerimova, the Coordinator of Khazar Psychology Department and the Director of the Khazar Psychological Service Center, was the guest speaker in the “Çıxışa doğru” program at AzTV. The theme of the program, presented by Naila Babayeva, was related to the discussions regarding the adoption procedures for local and foreign citizens. An employee of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development provided information on passed legislation on the adoption.
Psychologist Melek Karimova in her turn highlighted the difficulties faced regarding child adoption, the principle of confidentiality in these matters, and the importance of properly speaking this issue to the adopted children due to their age and personal psychological characteristics. At the same time, the rights of persons with disabilities regarding this process were discussed.
The program can be viewed at this link:
On December 2, 2019, Melek Kerimova, the Coordinator of the Khazar University Psychology Department, Director of the Khazar Psychological Service Center, was the guest of Vusala Rafiggizi, the presenter at Azerbaijan Radio (105FM). She focused on the importance of education in the community, discussing in detail the symptoms of depression in women and ways of coping with them. Speaking about the activities of Khazar University's Psychology Department, she spoke about the sensitivity of these topics to students and the public. She also indicated University's attention to this field and emphasized the need for psychological services for students.
On November 29, 2019, Melek Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology of Khazar University and Director of the Center for Psychological Service was invited to conduct a seminar on “Sigmund Freud: Personality Theory and Dream Analysis” at Azerbaijan University. M. Karimova's seminar delivered for the students, majoring in finance, was very interesting for them. In addition to explaining the fundamentals of S. Freud's theory, she also expanded on consciousness and emotions, fears, anxieties, ways of psychological protection, stress disorders, self-concept, displacement in dreams, self-directedness and turning against the self, dreaming, and physiological essence of the dreams.
On November 28, 2019, Melek Karimova, Coordinator of Khazar University’s Psychology Department, and Nilufar Alizade, instructor at the Department, participated in the Conference entitled “Persons with Disabilities in the Business World” within the framework of the “Enhancing employability skills for people with disabilities” jointly implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, and by BP-“British Council's” Program, with the participation of the Ministry, employers, as well as representatives of business structures, other interested parties, people with disabilities. The Conference listened to success stories of people with disabilities and discussed future projects to be organized at Khazar University.
From 22 to 24 January 2019, Melek Kerimova, Coordinator of the Khazar University Psychology Department and Head of Khazar Psychological Service Center, participated in the 2019 Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry Symposium (KLIPPS, 2019), organized by Prof. Ertuğrul Köroğlu at the Boylam Psychiatry Hospital in Ankara, Turkey.
M. Karimova participated at the trainings delivered by such experts as Chyrsoula Kostagiannis, a supervisor of the Rational-Emotional Behavior Therapy, on “REBT”, Ahmed Abdelkerim, trainer of the Linehan Institute, on “Dialectical Behaviour Therapy”, Graeme Horridgen, MINT trainer, on “Encouraging Meeting”, which were invited from the abroad.
Karimova also informed the symposium participants about the VII Azerbaijan International Psychology Conference to be held in 2020 and met with professors and teachers to be invited to the Conference.
On May 20, 2020, Dr. Ridvan Uney, a lecturer at Nişantaşı University, delivered an online lecture on “Sexual Problems and Sex Therapy in the Family” to Khazar University students, organized by Melek Karimova, Coordinator at Khazar University's Department of Psychology.
Dr. Ridvan Uney graduated from Bakırköy Psychiatric and Neurological Hospital with a degree in training and research and previously worked as a psychiatrist at Karabuk State Hospital and Silivri State Hospital. Areas of research are family therapies and sex therapy. He is currently working at a private center in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, and continues his academic career at Nişantaşı University.
The EMDR method is a psycho-physiological method developed in 1989 by the American psychiatrist Francino Saphiro. Known as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, this method can only be taught through trainers authorized by the European Organization for EMDR.
Malak Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology at Khazar University and Head of the Psychological Assistance Center, also participated in the first module of the international training provided by Asena Yurtsever, Turkish representative for EMDR.
The method is used for the treatment of mental disorders, and especially treatment of distress associated with traumatic memories, and shows positive results in a short time.
Xəzər Universiteti Psixoloji Xidmət Mərkəzinin rəhbəri, Psixologiya departamentinin koordinatoru Mələk Kərimova Türkiyə Respublikası Ruh Sağlığı Dərnəyi və Kim Psixologiya Mərkəzinin təşkil etdiyi "Ölüm və Yas Terapiyası" təlimlərinin hər iki mərhələsini tamamlayaraq, sertifikat almışdır.
On December 22, 2020, a webinar was organized with Ejder Akgun Yildirim, Professor of Department of Psychiatry, Hamidiye Medical Faculty, University of Health Sciences, Turkey at the initiative of Malak Karimova, coordinator of the Psychology Department of Khazar University. It should be noted that Professor Ejder Akgun Yildirim received his medical education in English, completed his doctorate in physiology, was the manager of the Halidere Health Center during the 1999 Marmara earthquake, and has been a licensed therapist of the Sexual Treatment, Training and Research Association since 2005. Currently, alongside his work at the University of Health, his activities for association are actively ongoing.
The guest professor, who was invited as part of the Family Psychology course, made a presentation on "Sexual problems in the family and the role of couples in relationships." The seminar, attended by 110 students from various faculties at Khazar University, thoroughly explained the stages of physiological development, the negative consequences, the possible physiological and psychological consequences of an early marriage, misconceptions about sexual health, sex abuse, and sexuality. During the 3-hour webinar, students' questions were answered.
The guest professor, who has 25 years of experience in this field, said research in this area is needed, and expressed his satisfaction and gratitude for his cooperation with Khazar University.
Khazar University announced December 14-18 as "Mediation Awareness Week" as part of the Mediats project by European Commission's Erasmus + program. On December 18, in order to expand the promotion of mediation in society and among university students, Malak Karimova, the coordinator of the Department of Psychology, organized a webinar together with experts in this field on "The impact of divorce on family relationships. The importance of family mediation." The webinar was attended by a graduate of the Law Department of Ankara University, a lawyer and mediator from the Bar Association No. 12, Gasim Shaliyev, and a graduate of the Law Department of Khazar University, an independent expert, lawyer and mediator in the Central Bank's Insurance Registry, Ilkin Ibrahimov.
During the webinar, Malak Karimova analyzed the psychological aspects of the divorce and informed the participants about the university's experience in this field. The guests gave detailed information about the mediation process to be implemented in our country, as well as held interesting discussions on its importance and application in family and commercial issues. The importance of mediation in reducing the workload of the courts and the formation of a more civil society was noted. In the end, Malak Karimova mentioned master degree programs in this field at Khazar University as a part of the project, noting that students can also get their master degree abroad in this field.
The results of the survey, which was completed by the participants after the webinar with more than 85 participants, showed that they were very satisfied and interested in this field.
Melek Kerimova, Coordinator of the Psychology Department at Khazar University, actively participated in the initial training courses organized by the Academy of Justice from May 26 to August 13, 2020, in accordance with the regulations on “Training and Professional Development of Mediators” and passed the final exam officially gaining the right to act as a mediator. During the courses, international experts Ruslan Mirzayev and Adi Gavrilla explained theoretical issues related to the mediation process and supported the learning process through practical exercises and role-playing games. An event was organized at the end of the course. Speaking at the event, EU Ambassador to Azerbaijan Kestutis Jankauskas, Acting Rector of the Academy of Justice Elchin Khalafov, Acting Chairman of the Mediation Council Ruslan Mirzayev congratulated the successful graduates and noted the importance of mediation for our country and the responsibility to be first.
It should be noted that in connection with the introduction of mediation to reduce the workload of courts, the Mediation Council was established in accordance with the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated April 3, 2019 “On the deepening of the reforms in the judicial-legal system”. The Academy of Justice, which acts as a mediation training institution, is implementing a joint project with the European Union to train instructors for mediation.
From June 24 to 26, 2020, Psychologist Melek Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology at Khazar University and Head of the Psychological Service Center, participated as a guest speaker at the E-Conference entitled “International Covid-19 Congress: New Norms in Education” organized by Artvin Coruh University and Artvin Education Department.
The main objectives of the conference were to be aware of the changes in the education field during the Covid-19 pandemic and the research conducted in the direction of these changes, and to organize cooperation and discussions in this area. Our colleague talked about Khazar University's work in this process, as well as shared the results of her research. Her topic on “Study of Psychological Symptoms of University Students and Their Reflections on Education during the Covid-19" was met with interest and following the speech questions were answered.
Fahri Acar, the Head of the Artvin Education Department, and Tuncay Ergene, Professor of Hacettepe University, expressed their gratitude to M. Karimova. More than 2,500 viewers took part in the program, which was broadcast live on the official YouTube channel of the Artvin Education Department.
More information can be found at these links:
On June 7, 2020, Melek Karimova, Coordinator of Psychology Department at Khazar University and Director of the Psychological Service Center, delivered an online psychological seminar on “My Internal Strength and Pre-Exam Excitement” aimed at assisting with the psychological preparation for the final exams, to be held in the republic's secondary schools, organized due to the special request of “Niyal” preparatory courses.
Hasan Mammadov, Director of the “Niyal” Preparatory Course, and Professor Fuat Rasulov, Head of the Working Group on Attracting Students to Khazar University, also joined the seminar. During the seminar, Melek Karimova informed the applicants about what they could do during the pre-exam excitement, as well as discussed what could be done during the exam preparation. At the end of the event, applicants' questions were answered individually, and further psychological support was provided.
Concluding the event, Professor Fuat Rasulov briefed the 11th grade students onKhazar University, noting that the University organizes regular events in the Ismayilli region and thanked the participants for joining the seminar.
Hasan Mammadov expressed his gratitude to Melek Karimova and Khazar University’s leadership for organizing this seminar.
On May 18, 2020, the psychiatrist Dr. Erkan Kuru from Özəl Boylam Hospital subsequently gave a lecture for master's students majoring in clinical and general psychology.
The psychiatrist shared with the students his considerations and knowledge on what psychopharmacology and what psychologists need to know about this field.
Expressing his good impressions of the online classes organized by Melek Karimova, Coordinator at Khazar University's Psychology Department, Dr. Erkan Kuru expressed his satisfaction on the communication with Khazar University students and further gave advice on future professional development to psychologists.
On July 10, 2020, Varyox.az published an article by Ulker Isayeva, faculty and research member of Khazar University's Department of Psychology, entitled “Azerbaijani Folklore and Literature, Women's Rights, and Psychological Analysis”.
The full article can be read via this link:
On June 30, 2020, Khazar University Department of Psychology organized an online defense of master's theses for the majors in general psychology and clinical psychology. The Defense Council included Khazar University Psychology Department Coordinator Malak Karimova, PhD, Associate Professor Lala Jabbarova, PhD Mushfig Mustafayev, PhD Aferin Abbasova.
Following students have successfully defended their dissertation dissertations: master’s students in general psychology - Deniz Umarova (academic supervisor: Lala Jabbarova) “Peculiarities of the phenomenon of mobbing in the teaching staff”; Sevda Masimzade-Soltanova (academic supervisor: Mushvig Mustavayev) “Analysis of socio-psychological characteristics of women during early motherhood”; master's student in clinical psychology - Khadija Habibullayeva (academic supervisor: Aferin Abbasova), “Analysis of the relationship between Internet addiction and aggressive behavior in adolescents”.
The cases submitted for defense were discussed and the candidates answered questions from board members. The defense process was successful, the submitted works were positively evaluated and it was decided to award the master's degree to the applicants.
On October 28, 2018, Khazar University students, before mid-term exams, joined a yoga-meditation session guided by Bakhtiyar Sadikhov, a professional yoga trainer, in the Dada Gorgud park. The yoga session initiated by Nilufar Alizadeh, instructor of the Department of Psychology, was organized on the purpose of encouraging students for exams and promote a healthy lifestyle. The students welcomed the session and took an active part.
People resting around also joined the session.
On November 12, 2018, Malak Karimova, Coordinator of the Department of Psychology of Khazar University and Director of Khazar Psychological Service Center, conducted a seminar “My Silent Film: Me and my Mirror”, on an initiative of the Theology Institute of Azerbaijan. The aim of the seminar was to support young people to achieve more self-consciousness, comment on factors influencing their relations with themselves and the environment, and show them how silent inner talk affects their desires and motivations. The seminar focused on how young students can get a deeper insight into themselves and discover their own potential.
The seminar was held on interactive method. The students and instructors were satisfied with the seminar and expressed their pleasure for collaboration with Khazar University.
On September 27, 2018, on an organizational support of Nilufar Alizadeh, Instructor of the Department of Psychology at Khazar University, a seminar “Guide to be a student” was held. Students of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences participated in the seminar who were provided with information on how to cope with challenges of academic life. Students actively participated in the seminar and asked questions. Moreover, students were informed about the Center for Psychology and Consultancy at Khazar University where they can visit for support in case of need.
On November 12-16, 2018, Khazar University staff members – Dr. Jeyhun Mammadov, Dean of the School of Economics and Management; Elmar Mustafayev, Coordinator of the Department of Political Science and International Relations; Nilufar Alizada, Instructor of the Department of Psychology; Rana Hasanova, Instructor of the Department of English Language and Literature – participated in teachers’ second meeting of the project "Intercultural encounters in academia and workplaces in South Caucasus and Norway" at Tbilisi State University. The project meeting brought together the representatives of Oslo Metropolitan University, Tbilisi State University, and Khazar University.
The aim of the meeting was to evaluate the work done so far, adjust the project goals and project plan accordingly, develop a detailed list of Summer School activities and responsible personnel, and discuss the ways how to incorporate non-academic partners into the courses to be established under this project.
On November 20, 2018, MD, PhD Ikram Rustamov conducted training on “Developmental disorders in children” at Khazar University. The training was organized by Nilufar Alizadeh, Instructor of the Department of Psychology of the University.
The training was attended by students studying Psychology at Khazar University as well as students of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku Business University, psychologists from Logos Psychology and Speech Development Center, and psychologists of schools and kindergartens in Baku and Absheron district. Referring to recent developments and his conference report, Dr. Ikram Rustamov talked about how to avoid the wrong diagnosis in developmental disabilities in children.
In the end, Dr. I.Rustamov answered participants’ questions.
In 2014-2015, Dr. Ikram Rustamov worked for Boston Children's Hospital as a researcher doctor. He was also a guest professor at Harvard Medical School.