
From university to labour market in the 21st century: a step forward in work-based placements 610245-EPP-1-2019-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
The UniLab (UNIversity-LABour market) project aims to contribute to modernization of higher education sector within society at large in three Partner countries - Azerbaijan, Belarus and Russia – by convergence with EU Programme partners for enhancement of partnerships between enterprises and HEIs and growth of graduates' employability through development and implementation of policy of support, legal framework and an innovative practical placement model UniLab aimed at promoting work-based learning.
Project Duration: 15 November 2019 - 14 November 2022
Project Coordinator: European University Continuing Network - EUCEN
Project Partners (full partners):
- Barcelona School of Management – Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ES)
- IMC Fachhochschule Krems (AT)
- Universite de Lille (FR)
- Siberian Federal University (RU)
- Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)
- Almetievsk State Oil Institute (RU)
- Orenburg State University (RU)
- Gomel State University (BY)
- Mogilyev State University (BY)
- Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (AZ)
- Khazar State University (AZ)
Main Objectives:
- Benchmark analysis of the practical placement policies in HE in Europe will be provided: collection and analysis of the best practices and cases will be observed, collected, recorded and analysed, relevant approaches will be implemented in Partner countries.
- Baseline study of the labour market and assessment of enterprises’ needs at local/regional level (Azerbaijan, Belarus and Russia) will be done; round tables ‘university-enterprise’ will be organised, interviewing, online & offline data polling and consultancies will be completed.
- Capacity building of the staff from PCs' universities on the recent policies, schemes and approaches of practical placements will be provided; new knowledge and the staff’s skills will be applied to the project execution.
- New university-enterprise cooperation policy will be introduced, approved and disseminated in Partner countries; modern placement guidelines based on innovative principles, reference materials for effective internships will be available for all the parties concerned.
- The generic flexible competence-based UniLab model of practical placement, triggered and inspired by best EU practices, developed and piloted in Partner countries;
- Inter-regional network for long term cooperation between HEIs from Partner countries and Programme countries, which includes structuring and accelerating university-enterprise cooperation in student internship and employment programmes on a national and international levels, operational International Career Centres.
Project website: https://unilab.eucen.eu
Ulkar Bayramova
Sabina Guluyeva