The Department of Law is one of the first academic divisions established at Khazar University in 1991. Recent changes in the social and political situation in the region, the country's regaining independence, and the new problems arising in the sphere of Law and Legal Regulations are the main features defining the core ideas of the School's development. Since its earliest days, the Department has continued to maintain the highest standards of legal education with an emphasis on solid academic foundation and practical skills.
The essential mission of the department is to help students meet the demands of a rapidly changing legal and professional environment. The department is a center of legal scholarship, whose members work to enlarge society's understanding of law as well as its underlying policies, legal institutions and legal processes.
The main research areas of the Law Department are the problems of the theory and history of state and law; constitutional law; municipal law; Administrative law; problems of civil law in the transition to a market economy; labor law; business right; studying the causes and conditions of crime, and developing the elimination prophylaxis; regulation of the administration of justice; the application of scientific and technical means in the investigation, investigation and trial; tactical issues of crime investigation.