GEOG 101 Earth Studies (6 ECT)
Study of the fundamental knowledge about geographic circumstances in the planet of Earth. Main sections include: Earth as a planet, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Internal Processes, Soils, Flora and Fauna, Fluvial processes, Topography of Arid lands.
GEOG 103 Geomorphology (6 ECT)
Relationships of tectonic processes, water, weathering, gravity, ice, wind to formation of topographic relief of the Earth. Main sections include: Fluvial processes, Aeolian processes, Hillslope processes, Glacial processes, Tectonic processes, Igneous processes and Biological processes.
GEOG 202 Hydrology (6 ECT)
This course is about learning the concepts and physical principles of water flow as well as the techniques that can be used to solve hydrologic problems. In practice, hydrologists have to quantify rates at which water is exchanged between the atmosphere, the ground, and the ocean, and this often involves manipulating data and solving sets of equations.
GEOG 204 Meteorology and Climatology (6 ECT)
An introduction to the fundamentals of meteorology and climatology including physics of the atmosphere, energy and radiation balance, adiabatic processes, classification of the climate, horizontal motion, weather hazards.
GEOG 206 Cartography and Introduction to GIS (6 ECT)
The main goal of this course is to instill basic knowledge regarding the science of cartography. Main sections: The Planet Earth, Cartographic Generalization, Cartographic Projections, Maps, Map Making, Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
GEOG 208 Physical Geography of the World (6 ECT)
The main goal of this course is to form a solid background regarding the physical geography of the Earth. Main sections: Physical Geography as a Science, Continents: Africa, America, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, Australia/Oceania; Oceans: Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean.
GEOG 301 Geology (6 ECT)
The primary objective of this course is to deliver basic knowledge regarding the Geology of the Earth. Main sections: Hydrogeology, Crystallography, Geophysics.
GEOG 302 Environmental Science (6 ECT)
The main objective of this course is to deliver fundamental knowledge about the nature and environment as well as environmental pollution. Main sections: Ecology, Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Problems of Azerbaijan and Main Obstacles.
GEOG 304 Integrated Water Resources Management (6 ECT)
Study of the relevant characteristics of water resources aimed at sustainable distribution and the process of creating and implementing plans, programs, and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions. Major sections include: Watershed inventory, Problem definition and scoping, climate change and water resources management, water conflicts, transboundary water management, water and agriculture, Azerbaijan’s water-related problems, water hazards
GEOG 306 Physical, Economic and Social Geography of Azerbaijan (6 ECT)
The primary aim of this course is to deliver foundational knowledge regarding the physical geography of Azerbaijan. Regions of Azerbaijan are studied separately. Main sections: Geographical Situation of Azerbaijan, Geology of Azerbaijan, Mineral Resources, Climate, Rivers and Water Resources, Caspian Sea, Environmental Problems, Protected Territories, Natural Regions and Sub-regions of Azerbaijan. Rivers and Water Bodies, Landscapes, Flora and fauna, Agricultural and urban landscapes, National Parks.
Economic-Geographical Situation of Azerbaijan, Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, Population of Azerbaijan, Migration Problems, Demography of Azerbaijan, Economic Sectors, Economic Geography of Azerbaijan, Agriculture, Management of Natural Resources, Economic Regions of Azerbaijan and Main Problems.
GEOG 308 Economic and Social Geography of the World (6 ECT)
This course provides a solid background regarding the economic and social geography of the world. Detailed knowledge regarding the regions and countries should be delivered. Main sections: Natural Resources of the World and their Management, Population and Urbanization- Main Obstacles, Agriculture, Industry, Economic and Social Regions of the World, World Countries such as United States of America, Germany, Japan, African Countries, Islamic Countries, Turkic Countries.
GEOG 210 Soil Sciences (6 ECT)
A study of the principles and properties of soils and their distribution on the landscape. Topics covered include: pedology, clay mineralogy, soil physics, soil chemistry, management of soils, soil biology, taxonomy, soil geomorphology, soil classification.
GEOG 404 Biogeography (6 ECT)
Study about the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and geological time. Major topics include: History of species, Palebiogeography, Interaction between living organisms and the environment, Evolution of species in space and time, distribution of species, Major Biomes, Ecozones, Future changes, Ecological Land Classification.
GEOG 316 Physical Landscape Studies (6 ECT)
This course explores physical landscapes as most important art of the environment. A broad range of geographical issues important to the physical environment is learned. Students develop an understanding of the landscape around us, both in Azerbaijan and internationally. Students have a clear understanding of the types of physical landscapes in Azerbaijan and other countries. In addition, an interaction between humans and landscapes are learned.
GEOG 389 Population Geography (6 ECT)
The course introduces the geography of the population to undergraduate students. It examines spatiotemporal changes in population in terms of size, gender-age structure, and work. The course also examines trends in size of population, migration employment, etc. Further, it investigates how population processes are shaped by, and engender, larger processes of political, environmental, urban, economic, and cultural change.
GEOG 318 Geodesy (6 ECT)
The course involves the fundamentals and modern concerns of geodesy, recent developments and applications of global and satellite geodesy, the gravity field and how the gravity field of the earth affects surveying observations, the geometry of the ellipsoid, the principles of various global/satellite geodetic techniques, determination of geographical and map projection coordinates from geodetic observations, and the concept of a geodetic datum and how to transform coordinates from one datum to another.
GEOG 421 Field work (6 ECT)
An independent field work includes data collection and analyses, writing paperwork
GEOG 406 Environmental Chemistry (6 ECT)
Environmental chemistry is the foundation of the increased environmental understanding today and chemistry plays a major role in this. The properties and reactions of substances in the environment can profoundly influence the world we live in. These substances may be natural or man-made, and there is increasing interest in the interface between man-made systems and the natural environment. Understanding of the chemical basis of environmental science is developed in this course via studies in the areas of water, earth and atmosphere.
GEOG 408 Remote Sensing (6 ECT)
The Course aims to learn about remote sensing and satellite imagery, starting out with an introduction to imagery data and the electromagnetic spectrum. Students also learn how to find and download satellite imagery online and how to use it in land use analysis and mapmaking process. Students also learn to use fundamental image interpretation and state-of-the-art object-based image analysis methods to detect, identify, and delineate landforms and features of interest using medium and high-resolution digital satellite and airborne multispectral imagery (Landsat, Sentinel, and NAIP), as well as lidar-derived elevation datasets.
GEOG 320 Caspian Studies (6 ECT)
Study about the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body in the World. This huge lake has an important role in the economic, cultural and recreational life of Azerbaijan. Major topics include: Meteorology and Hydrology of the Caspian Sea, Rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, Level fluctuations. Flora and fauna, Fish species, Oil and Gas Resources, Oil industry, Environmental Problems, Political problems
GEOG 402 Geographical Information Systems (6 ECT)
Principles, techniques, and decision making in mapping including the use of computer-mapping and geographic information systems (GIS) software to produce individual maps and map series. Sections include: Maps and map types, General and thematic cartography, Topographic maps, Map design, Map generalization, Map projections, GIS software, Use of GIS in map-making, GIS techniques and technology, Data collection, Raster-to-vector translation, Projections, Spatial analysis with GIS.
GEOG 303 Tourism (6 ECT)
The main goal of the course is to form a solid background regarding tourism and tourism-related issues. Main sections: Tourism, Tourist Rentals, Touristic Places of the World, Tourism in Europe, Hotel Management, Mountain Tourism, Hiking, Tourism in Protected Territories and National Parks, Touristic Management, Tourism in Azerbaijan.
Cultural, physical, and biotic factors affecting tourism, Recreational resources of the World, cultural resources, biotic factors affection tourism, tourism resources, tourism industry, Azerbaijan’s recreational resources, Tourism and management in Azerbaijan.
GEOG 339 Statistic methods of Geography (6 ECT)
Statistical analyses of geographical data, distributions, t-test, F test, ANOVA, Dependence and correlation, ARMA, ARFIMA models, statistic sampling
GEOG 333 Urban Geography and Land Planning (6 ECT)
This course explores the city from multiple perspectives. Cities and their planning issues are studies. The cultural viewpoints of place, gender, age, and ethnicity are stressed. Major topics include: urban hierarchy, functions of the city, suburbanization, city planning, transport planning.
GEOG 310 World Regional Geography (6 ECT)
An introductory survey of the environmental setting, historical formative periods, and present-day issues that distinguish the major culture areas of the world. Major sections include: physical processes, human processes, Geographic profile of Europe, Geographic profile of North America, Geographic profile of Russia and former Soviet republics, Geographic profile of Africa, Geographic profile of Australia, Geographic profile of Middle East.
GEOG 337 Historical Geography (6 ECT)
The main goal of this course is to create a bridge between geography and history and instill essential knowledge regarding the geography of historical civilizations. Main sections: Geographic Peculiarities of Ancient Nations, Egypt, Rome, Greece.
GEOG 340 Human Geography of Azerbaijan (6 ECT)
A study of the location, distribution and spatial organization of economic and social activities in Azerbaijan. Major topics include: Major human activities in Azerbaijan. Economic regions of Azerbaijan, Demographical changes, Problems of Migration, Population Distribution, Transport, Major Economic Activities, Industry, Agriculture, Environmental concerns, Major cities.
GEOG 341 Demography (6 ECT)
A study of the principles of populations and their distribution in time and space. Topics include: Population pyramids, Population census, Infant mortality, Population patterns of developed and developing societies, Demographic Policy.
GEOG 418 Sustainable Development (6 ECT)
Study of the principles of sustainable natural resources management. Topics include: Natural Resources, Natural Resources Management, Sustainability, Efficient use of natural resources, Alternate energy sources, Urban Agriculture, Pasture management, Forest Management.
GEOG 420 Agroclimatology (6 ECT)
Study of climate as a factor of agricultural production. Topics include: Soil and its fertility, Climate and Agriculture, Dry-land water resources, Agroclimatic Resources.
GEOG 412 Geography of the Turkic World (6 ECT)
This course serves to develop a solid background of the Turkic world, including detailed knowledge of the current economic and social geography. Main sections: Turkic Countries, Geographic Situation of the Turkic Countries, Natural Resources, Population, Turkic nations, Agriculture, Industry, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkic Government bodies in Russia and China.
GEOG 401 Environmental Management (6 ECT)
This course provides an overview of the key concepts and principles in environmental management, areas of global and national environmental concern, and strategies and tools for effective environmental management. Main sections: Nature, Ecology, Environmental Problems, Air and Water Pollution, Soil Pollution, Climate Change, Carbon Management.