Prerequisite: NONE
Basic fundamentals of painting. Color and basic techniques. Studio work and exhibition.
AZLL 101: Azerbaijani Language (University Requirement) (6 credits)
Prerequisite: High School Azerbaijani language
This course prepares students for analyzing academic texts and technical material in Azerbaijani. Advanced skills in academic and creative writing, reading comprehension are honed using academic literature across various disciplines. The topics cover culture, environment, customs and traditions, history, economics, etc.
AZLL 102. Introduction to Writing (6 credits)
Prerequisite AZLL 101.
Writing Strategy. Planning and organizing source material for writing, revising, editing and proofreading. Summaries, critiques and syntheses of texts. Essay and creative writing. Academic and Business writing. Prose style.
CMS 101 : Introduction to Computer Science (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Students are introduced to the evolution of computers, the components of a computer system, computer hardware and software, file organization, data communications, operating systems, the concept of algorithm, text processor.
Fundamentals and functions of the Internet.
DESN 103: Painting (6 credits)
Prerequisite: DESN 102
Basic study, studio practice, and critique. Exploration of concepts, materials, techniques, and historical examples, using acrylics, gouache, pastel, and mixed-media. Emphasis on individual concept and content.
DESN 201: Graphics Design (6 credits)
Prerequisite: DESN 101
Emphasis on design, use, and application of creative visual images and concepts in communication. Two-dimensional and tree-dimensional problems.
EDU 105: Introduction to Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Social sciences overview of major policy issues in public education. General introduction to social sciences research in analysis of educational policy issues and to methods for exploring major policy issues. Topics include school finance, equal educational opportunity, testing and evaluation, teacher compensation, and school law.
EDU 203: Bilingual Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Educational principles of bilingual education. Teaching methods in bilingual classroom.
EDU 206: Basics of Dephectology (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Comprehensive survey of mental retardation, with emphasis on etiology, characteristics, diagnosis, institutionalization, social and family relationship, multicultural education, and historical aspects of mental retardation. Comprehensive survey of learning disabilities with emphasis on characteristics, theoretical explanations and models, assessments, and placement alternatives.
EDU 207: Information Technology and Elementary Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Computers and the Internet. Elementary methods of gathering and processing of information.
EDU 208: Drama in the Classroom (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Methods of development of drama in the classroom. Search for children’s drama within national literature as well as other literatures. Distribution of roles and training methods. Design of scene.
EDU 217: Special Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Educational and other characteristics and needs of children and youth who deviate from the norm in physical, mental, social, or communication abilities. Theories of curriculum; models of teaching, instructional strategies, evaluation of student progress and service delivery; issues and trends in special education.
EDU 276: Computer Applications in Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: CMS 101
A practical course on computer applications as a problem-solving tool. Topics include word processing, electronic spreadsheets, database management, graphics and telecommunication.
EDU 300: Foundations of Vocational Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor
History of vocational legislation, principles and practices in the national and local levels. Knowledge of work analysis, planning, and organizing of vocational content for instruction.
EDU 302: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Strategies (4 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Social and psychological foundations of curriculum. Theories of curriculum develop ment, modern trends, various assessment strategies within and across teaching disciplines. Instructional inquiry examined within classroom management, philosophical foundations, exceptionality, technology, multi-cultural issues, etc.
EDU 303: Foundation of Physical Education (6 credits).
Prerequisite: NONE
Examines the philosophical, historical, sociological and psychological foundations of physical education. Study of procedures and techniques in physical education.
EDU 307: The Teacher and the Law (6 credits)
Prerequisite: EDF 105
Analysis of legal rights and responsibilities in the classroom, laws, related to liability, contract, records, discipline, due process, and schools.
EDU 311: Games in Elementary and Middle Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: DAE 204
The study of the scope, structure, and sequence of games in Grades 1-6. Emphasis on educational games and skill progression for selected sports. Field experience required.
EDU 322: Integrated Language and Literacy (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Approaches to the integration of reading, writing, speaking, and listening across the curriculum in collaborative, student-centered environment. Focuses on the child in her/his life contexts, including home, school, and community.
EDU 325: Elementary Art Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Curricula, specific methods, and media in teaching elementary art. The course presents tools designed to help elementary school teacher in creative growth of children.
EDU 327: Elementary Mathematics Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: MATH 235, 236
Content, methodology, and instructional materials for elementary school mathematics. The course emphasizes use of knowledge from learning theory, motivation, readiness and evaluation. Students deal with selecting and presenting mathematical content for elementary school children.
EDU 328: Elementary Social Studies Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Objectives, materials of instruction, organization and content of selected courses of the social studies in elementary school program. Adaptation of modern methods to specific school conditions.
EDU 329: Elementary Science Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Specific methods, research, curricula, and media in teaching elementary science.
EDU 350: Elementary Health and Physical Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Curricula, specific methods, and media in teaching elementary health and physical education.
EDU 360: Children's Dance (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
The teaching of contemporary national and others dance. Integrating dance into the curriculum. Basic principles and techniques for teaching dance to elementary school children.
EDU 381: Elementary School Music Methods (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Designed to help elementary teachers learn the fundamentals of music and to provide specific and practical suggestions for teaching music skills to children. Students are actively involved in making music and learning to teach music.
EDU 400: Instrumentals and Teaching Elementary Music (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Knowledge and skills for development for the development and implementation of music experience in the elementary curriculum for the elementary classroom teacher.
EDU 402: Methods of Teaching Descriptive Art (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Modern teaching methods and techniques of teaching descriptive art. Selected topics in theoretical, critical and historical methodology and their relevance to practicing descriptive art teaching techniques.
EDU 403: Methods of Teaching Mother Tongue (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Modern teaching methods and techniques of teaching Azerbaijani. The main emphasis is on communicative role of the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking are taught within the frame topics. Be in complex in nature this course covers the basis of Azerbaijani.
EDU 404: Basics of Hygiene and Sanitation (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
It covers the study of assessment principals related to school hygiene and sanitation. School hygiene and sanitary norms and development of hygiene and sanitary skills and techniques are taught.
EDU 405: Methods of Teaching Mathematics (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Modern teaching methods and techniques of teaching mathematics. Basics concepts of Algebra, equation, systems of linear equations inequalities, elementary geometry, functions and graphing, inverse functions are touched upon in this course.
EDU 406: Teaching of Natural Sciences (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Modern teaching methods and techniques of natural sciences. Role of natural sciences in the development of children. Overview of contemporary teaching methods and techniques. Readings and discussions.
EDU 407: Student Teaching Internship (9 credits)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of all program requirements
Required of undergraduate elementary education majors as culmination of program. Provides experience in an elementary school where the student assumes all teaching responsibilities for a minimum of ten weeks.
EDU 408: Teaching Methods of Azerbaijani Language (6 credits)
Prerequisite: AZLL 206
This course outlines the method of teaching Azerbaijani lessons, various educational approaches to phonetics, morphology and syntax. It also provides information on orthography, orthoepy, the use of punctuation marks, and organizational approaches to extra-curriculum activities on Azerbaijani language. It offers visual, methodical and organizational works on Azerbaijani, illustrates the techniques of the students’ speech development and significance of stylistics studies.
EDU 409: Teaching Methods of Azerbaijani Literature (6 credits)
Prerequisite: AZLL 307
Based on the latest achievements in pedagogy, psychology, logic, and philology, this course covers methodical issues, such as, ways of teaching literary works, carrying out literary writing, etc. Content, principles, rules, methods and means connected with teaching of Azerbaijani literature are studied. The main objective of the course is to give students brief overview of the history of literature and works of leading literary figures, study methodologies for analyzing literary works, and explore main issues studied in the theory of literature and literary critics.
EDU 411: Teaching Methods of Computer Science (6 credits)
Prerequisite: CMS 101, EDU 276
A practical course on how to use computers in education. Topics include graphics, animations, Internet applications used in education. Computer assisted instruction. Computer assisted learning. Computer managed instruction. Computer administered education. Components of computer hardware, software, and courseware. Application of microcomputer in education.
EDU 468: Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Historical development of education. Philosophical theories that bear upon educational principles, policy making, and practice. Events, leaders, ideas, and movements underlying development of education. History and philosophy of education through various periods and geographical areas.
PSYC 101. Introduction to Psychology. Child Development (6 credits)
Prerequisite: None
Basic psychological processes and principles of human behavior. Interacting with other people and groups. Memory, perception, motivation. Interpretations of individual differences and development. Nature of children's minds and relations of childhood and adulthood. Cognitive, language, psycho-social and moral development. Laboratory experience. Direct contact with children.
PSYC 304: Basics of Educational Psychology (6 credits)
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor
Application of principles for understanding individual differences, learning, adjustment, classroom environments, and assessment to instructional and educational issues. Challenges of diversity and teacher effectiveness are addressed.
SCI 101: The Earth an Space Science (6 credits)
Prerequisite: NONE
Elements of Earth structure. Plants and Animals. Landscape. Atmosphere. The Sun and planets. The origin of Universe. Energy and matter.
SOC 417: Sociology of Education (6 credits)
Prerequisite: consent of the instructor
Study of education as a social process and social institution; the relationship between education and other social institutions; analysis of the social functions of education and the socialization process; school and community; school as a social institution