WEBB: Whole Europe Beyond Borders
Start Date: September, 2012
Duration: 48 months
Brief information and main objectives:
The partnership is composed of 20 Universities, 10 from the EU and 10 from the Third Countries. The role of the co-coordinator will be taken up by Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. All 6 countries included in Lot 5 are represented by at least one HEI in the consortium. As regards EU HEIs, the following countries are covered: Italy, France, Germany, Poland, the UK, Finland and Sweden. This provides the project with a satisfactory geographical distribution and diversity. The total number of foreseen motilities is 196; all 5 levels (undergraduate, master, PhD, post doc and staff) are included, as well as all Target Groups. There will be 2 calls for scholarships, as mobility is divided into 2 cohorts.
As to implementation, the internal management of the consortium is based on the establishment of bodies and units. More specifically there will be a Central Coordination Unit (CCU): represented by the University of Bologna, which will be in charge of overall project coordination, follow up, relations with EACEA, organization of website, preparation and online publication of the call for scholarships, overall budget management and distribution, management of travel and health insurance services, and organization of consortium meetings. A Coordination Board (CB): composed by one representative from each institution of the consortium that participates to the consortium meetings. The CB is in charge of defining the general principles that regulate the management of the mobility.
The CB activities will be further divided in 2 Commissions that are: A) the Selection Committee (SC): it will take the final decision on the list of selected students and professors. It is composed by 6 experts, chosen among project partners institutions (both EU and Third Country) and possibly associate partners with relevant experience on student selection procedures, plus the applicant; B) The Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), composed by 6 experts chosen among project partners institutions (both EU and Third Country), associate partners and the project manager of the Coordinator institution. Each university is going to establish an internal unit for the project management: the Local University Unit (LUU). This organization will ensure a smooth management and implementation of the action. The project foresees the inclusion of 7 associated partners, more specifically: 2 University Networks: they have been included with the aim of maximizing the impact of the project because their membership covers all 6 Lot 5 countries; 2 research centers, whose expertise and contacts in the region will be taken into consideration when planning visibility strategies and dissemination activities; 1 NGO active in the field of education and inclusion policies, which will be consulted in order to contribute to the definition of TG3 profiles in the Region, and finally Belarusian Ministry for Education and Belarusian National Institute for Higher Education, which play a relevant role in the sustainability perspective of the action.
The project objective is to create a Consortium of 10 European HEIs and 10 HEIs from Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region, in order to set up a funded mobility scheme. The project is aimed at the successful implementation of motilities to and from Europe and the Third Countries, but it also represents a platform to enhance cooperation between European HEIs and the HEIs of the Region. In brief, the general objectives of the project are:
-enhancing sector co-operation in the field of Higher Education through structured cooperation among partner HEIs and through the involvement of regional University Networks as associate partners;
-increasing of people-to-people contacts as an essential precondition for mutual understanding, through academic mobility at all levels;
-fostering civil society and dialogue on human rights and fundamental freedoms through the involvement in the project of NGOs and Non-state Associations as associate partners.
The expected impact is to increase competitiveness and attractiveness of the HEI within the country and the region; to promote internationalization of curricula and of the student population thanks to an increased number of foreign students on campus; to provide more opportunities for students researchers/staff to study and doing research abroad, thus establishing fruitful international contacts with potential future partners; to boost the implementation of the Bologna process within the HEI and in the countries; to favor contacts between HEIs in the region and improving the transparency and full academic recognition of studies and qualifications, this could lead to the creation of regional bilateral or multilateral mobility schemes. Finally, the project will have a strong impact on the IROs of the HEIs involved as they will be the main actors of the implementation of the project, promoting internationalization at administrative levels.
Coordinator and partners:
Joint Coordinator:
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University
Shota Rustavelis sakhelmtsipho universiteti
I.Gogebshvili Telavi State University
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Educational Establishment ”Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherova”
Raziya Isayeva : Risayeva@khazar.org
Shabnam Najafzadeh: snajafzadeh@khazar.org
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