Folk Songs And Mugham

Folk Songs and Mugham- the art of mugham lies in its secrets that have been preserved for centuries. Each performer bases his or her singing on strict rules, but at the same time displays qualities of creativity, performing mughams with a creative style, adding new features, trills, voices and melodies. All of these things are gradually accepted by mugham artists and are included in the repertoire of their performance styles. Thus, mugham develops. It was the unifying musical genre of the peoples of the Middle East until about the XIV century, but later this unifying musical genre branched off according to nations because of social and political changes. The course teaches students the history of the development of mugham.
The course also teaches rhythmic mugham and basic mugham. It is designed to help students master and understand the aesthetic values and character of national mugham music on the seven main scales (Rast, Shur, Chahargah, Bayati-Shiraz, Segah, Humayan, and Shustar).